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Agape Service Project

Agape Service Project

Bishop Blanchet Drama is pleased to announce our Service Partner for the 2024 Spring Musical: AGAPE Service Project. In keeping with 云顶集团’s mission to inspire students to transform the world around them through a lifelong commitment to faith, scholarship, and service, as we tell the story of Camelot, we are also pleased to share our journey with Agape whose mission is “to foster service, community, and prayer as [AGAPE service] participants encounter Christ and uphold the dignity of farmworker brothers and sisters.  

How to help AGAPE?

  • Serve – volunteer at Agape Food Bank this summer

  • Give – Financially support the mission of Agape (see QR code)

  • Pray – Pray for farmworkers and for systemic changes so that their rights are upheld.

  • Fast – from purchasing food that does not uphold the dignity and rights of workers.